Ian Bainbridge – człowiek legenda angielskiego HFT

W Anglii Ian Bainbridge znany jest jako człowiek legenda, który od początku związany był z organizacją Mistrzostw Świata HFT a przede wszystkim jako mistrz nad mistrze w trudnej sztuce układania torów HFT, na których każdy cel stanowił prawdziwe wyzwanie dla strzelca.
LOV-21 remont i mała modyfikacja

W skrócie:
1) Remont
- Czyszczenie
- Usunięcie rdzy
- Uzupełnienie oksydy
- Wymiana uszczelnień
- Smarowanie
- Szlif i polerowanie zaworu strzałowego
- Naprawa zerwanego gwintu w obudowie (plastik)
- Naprawa pękniętego zbijaka zaworu (plastik)
- Malowanie farbą antykorozyjną spustu oraz uchwytu zamka
Greg Morss - interview with the 2013 WHFTA World HFT Champion

First of all I would like to congratulate you becoming the 2013 WHFTA World HFT Champion and also the podium in National teams ranking!
How did you celebrate your victory?
Greg Morss:
Not much of a celebration - my partner Jane and I had a MacDonalds on the way home to Scotland! We are drinking Hoegaarden tonight!
How would you rate the preparation of the courses for the Worlds? Which course was harder in your opinion?
Greg Morss:
The 2 courses were prepared to the usual UKAHFT standard I would say. It was hard for the people setting out due to the weather before the event, and the fact that the 2 woods had never been used for HFT before. I did not think that one course was harder than the other, in my opinion they were quite similar, apart from the pegs out in the field on Bravo! Though these were initially quite scary, the wind direction was not as bad as it might have been. The unsupported shots on Bravo were certainly easier - I was amazed that so many of the Poles had missed the free-stander in the tree! To be fair I missed the free-kneeler which you pointed out, and it was the easiest shot of the event! That was due to me being careless.
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